A wide range of UV/Vis/IR and FTIR optical and other material analysis services are available for testing fluorescence, imaging, absorption, diffraction, dynamic light scattering, and reflection properties of solids and liquids throughout the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared parts of the spectrum. We also provide portable instruments for the rapid quantification of analytes in solutions using UV/Vis spectroscopy and a simple USB-based and customized user interface. For example, the IDSpectra system uses light absorption and automated liquid handling to measure the relative spectral distribution of light transmitted through various solutions. From the collected spectral data and known reference standards, it is then possible to identify the chemicals present and to determine the concentration of the analytes in the solution. This works for non-fluorescent organic/inorganic compounds as well as fluorescent materials such as quantum dots and luminescent nanocrystals such as perovskites or nano phosphors. Capabilities also exist for the measurement of sub-micron and nanocrystal particle size in water and various solvents along with Zeta potential using a Delsa™Nano analyzer, which can test the particle size and distribution of samples in suspension in a range from 0.6 nm to 7 microns. Samples may be concentrated or dilute.

Delsa™Nano Submicron Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer
Similar methods are available for material analysis and identification of the properties of solids such as amorphous powders and various crystalline structures. This includes imaging by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy as well as thin-film thickness measurements and metrology using optical non-contact and non-destructive techniques in addition to the analysis of thermal conductivity and resistivity of films and other structures. Other measurement techniques include Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), which can be used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption from a liquid or gas.
If you are interested in this service and would like more details, please contact us.