We can produce and customize a wide range of high power SWIR or NIR infrared LED (or LEP) sources capable of delivering long-range invisible IR radiation. Traditional “high power” SWIR or NIR LEDs are barely in the range of 0.5 W while the NIR-SWIR COB LEDs (example shown below) are capable of operating at up to 10W of power. A phosphor-converted NIR-SWIR LED (NIR-SWIR pcLED) source is ideal for wide range of applications, including compact LIDAR and portable optical absorbance, reflectance, and transmission measurements. It can operate at low DC voltages and deliver more infrared optical output compared to conventional IR LEDs.
Different wavelengths of high power infrared light can be customized for different purposes. IR pcLEDs can deliver narrow-band, multi-band, or broadband radiation while significantly expanding the available spectral range or wavelength options of conventional NIR and SWIR sources.
A phosphor-converted LED device can also deliver white light in addition to non-visible IR radiation. The non-visible light can be in the near-infrared (850-1400nm), short-wave infrared (SWIR >1400) or both. Both the visible and IR parts of the spectrum can be customized using various visible and IR phosphor materials.
The design flexibility offered by phosphor-converted NIR-SWIR pcLED technology makes it an attractive option for use in night vision applicatiions, remote signaling, atmospheric science, and multispectral (MSI) or hyperspectral imaging.

10W NIR-SWIR LED; 900-1700nm Spectral range; DC Bias: 3.5-4.5V; DC Current: 900-1000mA