Material Research and Device Development
PhosphorTech’s world-renowned material & photonic experts
can solve your toughest technical challenges.

Down-conversion Products
Commercial down-conversion products that span the visible to near IR are currently available for purchase.
Down-conversion Products
Narrower Emission Bands
Luminescent Nanocrystals
Luminescent nanocrystals also provide narrow emission bands and can be continuously tunable. Some of these technologies are already being used in limited commercial products but this is still an active area of research for next generation lighting systems, display devices and detection. PhosphorTech has the capability to develop and produce various types of luminescent nanocrystals.
Luminescent Nanocrystals
Shape Control
Composition Control
Composition Control
Non-luminescent Nanostructures and Microstructures
PhosphorTech also has the capability to develop and produce various non-luminescent nanostructures and microstructures, including metal nanoparticles of gold, silver and copper in a wide range of particle sizes and shapes. These materials can be formulated as inks and generally supplied as dispersions in organic or aqueous solvent systems, depending on the application requirements.
Non-luminescent Nanostructures and Microstructures
PhosphorTech also has the capability to develop and produce various non-luminescent nanostructures and microstructures, including metal nanoparticles of gold, silver and copper in a wide range of particle sizes and shapes. These materials can be formulated as inks and generally supplied as dispersions in organic or aqueous solvent systems, depending on the application requirements.