Customized & High CRI LED Light Fixtures
PhosphorTech’s InfiniteSpectra & high CRI technology is a new line of solid-state lighting modules and LED fixtures based on its patented RadiantFlex technology. We can now build a wide range of LEDs, bulbs, and fixtures with unique color and spectral performance customized to your needs.
If you are interested in purchasing our full spectrum infrared-enhanced light bulbs, please click here.
LED phosphors can help produce custom LED fixtures and lighting solutions for residential, commercial, and scientific applications. Phosphor technology can be combined with LED devices to achieve unique light engine customization and colors that are not possible with off-the-shelf LEDs.
With remote phosphor technology, it is possible to create and customize using phosphor films multi-color LEDs and use them to experiment with infinite colors across the visible and even infrared (IR) parts of the spectrum. This approach will save significantly on LED engine development and manufacturing cost since it does not require expensive LED packaging and wire bonding a large number of red, green, yellow, blue, and white (RGYBW) LEDs. All colors can be generated using phosphors combined with just blue or UV/violet LEDs. We can produce simple-to-use and efficient phosphor films for blue, violet, and ultraviolet LEDs using any existing phosphor material.
CCT = 2775 TLCI = 99 CRI = 99 CQS = 98