We can offer a selection of infrared (NIR and SWIR) down-converting phosphors and films that respond to visible light excitation, including blue and red LEDs or lasers. IR materials are currently used for security, imaging, and spectroscopy applications. Some of the most promising infrared phosphors are systems doped with various combinations and ratios of Ce, Cr, Yb, Ho, Pr, and/or Er.  In most cases, co-dopants are used as sensitizers for energy transfer between the visible and infrared parts of the spectrum. For example, SWIR emission can be achieved using visible light excitation by energy transfer between various radiative centers. By optimizing the host composition and dopants, it is possible to achieve single- or dual-band IR emitters  over a wide spectral range. The following chart illustrates some examples of fluorescent infrared-emitting phosphors. Many of those can also be supplied in film or large sheet formats.

Infrared Emission Spectra

IR phosphors are also enabling next generation solid-state lighting (SSL) products capable of delivering true full spectrum LEDs. Conventional LED bulbs have limited deep red colors and no infrared energy. Recent medical studies have highlighted the critical importance of the near-infrared (NIR) light in energizing the mitochondria in living cells. There is currently an on-going effort by our team and few others to incorporate NIR into indoor lighting. The following video illustrates how IR phosphors have been used in some of our prototype LED devices to create a healthier light bulb.

You can read more about this campaign on IR-enhanced LED bulbs  at the Indiegogo web site.

We have also achieved laser-pumped thermal emission covering the mid-wave (MWIR) and long-wave (LWIR) spectral range using ceramic phosphors. A 445nm solid-state blue laser combined with an infrared phosphor can generate a broad IR emission covering the NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR spectral range.

MWIR Photos of Laser-pumped Ceramic IR Phosphor (Captured using InSb Camera: 3.5-5.1 microns)

We can also offer phosphor powders and films for photon up-conversion from infrared to the visible.
If you would like more details or are interested in phosphor materials or films, please contact us.