Infrared EL (Electroluminescent Phosphor) panels can be produced using our patented RadiantFlex technology for a wide range of applications. Those inlcude information-secured displays, photodynamic therapy, machine vision, secure optical communication, even for revealing watermarks and rare book imaging. The panels can be custom-made for a specific purpose and even encoded with a unique code, logo, or pattern that can only be seen using night vision cameras and equipment. These panels are powered with conventional AC or DC EL drivers but the emitted light is invisible to the human eye. Infrared EL panels can be produced to emit at different near-IR (NIR) and short-wave IR (SWIR) wavelengths from 750nm all the way up to 1600nm (1.6 microns).
The flexible IR EL850IR panels shown below are 10cmx10cm in size but they can also be produced in smaller or larger dimensions and in different shapes, depending on the specific requirements. A single panel can be designed and built to incorporate different invisible patterns and fixed or blinking messages that emit at different IR wavelengths simultaneously. For example, an activated panel can be made to emit one specific pattern visible to near-infrared cameras that operate below 950nm and a different pattern only visible to SWIR detectors sensitive to infrared light around 1.5 microns. A panel can also be designed to emit both visible and infrared patterns.
A pressure sensitive and transparent adhesive (PSA) layer can be added to any side of the EL panel making it work like a thin and flexible IR-emitting decal that can be applied to a wide range of flat and curved surfaces.

Infrared EL Panel Only Emits IR Light Outside Human Vision Spectral Range

When Panel is Turned ON, IR Light Becomes Visible to Night Vision Cameras, Goggles, and IR Sensors

Panels can be Custom-made to Display Unique Patterns, Logos, or Codes in the Infrared
If you would like more information or have a specific request for a custom EL panel, please contact us and provide your specifications.