Color additives are widely used in food and beverages. There are many applications where determining the chemical concentration of such additives in liquids or in solid food is important.  Food dyes are used for a variety of reasons – to add flavor or to compensate for the natural color loss of fruits, vegetables, and meats during storage or exposure to light and oxygen. Color is also introduced into otherwise colorless products, such as cake frostings and pie toppings.

Many color additives are FDA approved, some of which are Food, Drug, and Cosmetic certified (FD&C). For example, Allura Red (FD&C Red No. 40) is one such certified color additive, and among the most widely used in consumer products.

The IDSpectra instrument can be used to measure and quantify the concentration of food dyes and other color additives. For example, you can use it to determine how much food coloring is present in common consumer products such as vitamin tablets, cough medicine, children’s pain reliever syrups, and virtually all types of beverages (Kool-Aid,Gatorade, sodas, etc.). It can also be used to monitor and quantify the perceived quality of the food or beverage in order to select or design a better color that reflects the expectations from a particular product. 

color additives

Measurement of Blue Dye Concentration using IDS

The following link contains some additional examples of the wide range of applications possible using this instrument.